How-to make LaTeX footnotes stick to the bottom of the page

Joey Dumont bio photo By Joey Dumont Comment
   Disclaimer. The credit goes all to Nikos Skalkotos, on whose blog I found this. I couldn't help but repost it here.

    Sometimes, when you write something in LaTeX which has a number of figures, some pages have a lot of whitespace. If you also have a footnote on this page, the footnote won't be typeset at the bottom of the page, but directly below the text .

    I find this utterly annoying. So, after a little Googling, I found the package footmisc. It can be used to typeset the footnotes at the bottom of the page, even if there's a boatload of whitespace before. Just use the following command in the preamble:

and tada! 

    Happy TeXing!

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